How To Get Over A Creative Block


By Envision Design House

We’ve all been there… It was a long weekend, your kid was up all night, your dog wanted out twice in the middle of the night, and all you can really think about is crawling back in bed and binging a new Netflix series.

But here you are with a new brand to complete and a blank artboard staring you in the face:

Here’s what I do when I’m experiencing a creative rut…

Get Out Of Your Office

sometimes a change in scenery can do wonders. Grab your laptop and head to your favorite coffee shop. Don’t forget your AirPods though!

Just Start Somewhere

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve started with a basic idea and it’s led me to somewhere I would have never gone initially. The building blocks of great design!

Be Inspired By Others

Head over to Pinterest or Instagram and start scrolling. Let yourself get lost in inspiration from others. Sometimes people can be just as inspiring as their work. Plan a coffee date with someone who you can daydream and talk business with. Having someone else who is just as excited about your industry can help ignite that creative spark.

Sometimes Today Just Isn’t The Day

sometimes when the rut is really hitting, it’s time just to step away from client work and focus on that ever-growing list of office to-dos. Checking off some of those boxes might clear your head a bit for a fresh start the following day. Know when your brain wants to be creative! I’ll be the first to say, I am NOT a morning person. I prioritize my day with this in mind. I focus my mornings on answering emails, taking calls, and sending proposals. I do my best design work between 12-4 pm and plan my day accordingly!


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